Government writing

You’re hard at work doing things that matter. Things that impact families and communities. The words you put out are powerful. They can give someone the tools to live better. They must be culturally responsive and easy to access for people with diverse abilities.

You need specialised writing for government agencies and services that only someone with experience in your field can help with. Someone with experience in plain English, accessibility requirements, and government processes. That’s us.

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Plain English

This is where we excel.

Gone are the days of long-winded information on government websites. Today, websites need to be clear and meet some tough readability scores.

Does yours need work to meet the Digital Service Standard or the new Style Manual? Do you need help making your content accessible?

With a background in government publishing and 16 years’ experience with government agency web content, we’ll get it done. Even the most technical subjects will sparkle.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audiences

We’re specialists in writing for First Nations people. Your plan to respect and uplift Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, whether through a Reconciliation Action Plan, Indigenous employment strategy or other commitment, deserves close attention from an experienced writer.

If you need someone to pull your thoughts together into a clear document that highlights your big ideas, get in touch.

We can also edit or proofread your copy with a lens for sensitivity along with grammar, structure and the other usual stuff.

Neat Copy print products

Print products

Fun fact about fact sheets: they contain super important information but they can be tedious to read. People often turn off before they get the message.

There is a solution. People will read fact sheets if they’re structured right and written simply. Your message will get through.

If your information is important enough to be printed on precious paper, make sure it’s picked up. Have it written or edited by a professional.

Let’s talk.


Government promos don’t need to be long winded or stuffy to maintain authority and intelligence.

Banish dense text to the past. Reach your audience with clear, concise government messaging instead.

We’ll make your story shine, whether it’s printed, posted or put on a hat.

Get help with promotional products.

Neat Copy Scribing


Get every bit of gold out of the workshop or meeting you’ve worked so hard to run: get yourself a scribe.

Let us capture all the key points and ideas from your event so you can focus on facilitating and participating.

Once the scribing part is done, you get an accurate, professional report in a style to match your needs.


If your report has multiple authors with different styles making it a bit of a monster, don’t worry. That’s normal.

But you need to hire a professional writer to review, restructure and make your report flow.

With extra special training in editing references and bibliographies, you can feel safe handing over the beast.